Hi All,


I am typing away in the cockpit as we motor along in flat calm and fog. It is spitting rain a little, but dry enough for the computer here under the dodger. It's just foggy enough to be spooky. I can see the outline of the shore just fine a little over a mile away.


Last night we anchored in about 20 feet of water just south of Douglas Point, after a 55 mile day from Bayfield. We had BBQ pork loin and sauteed zuchini with garlic just after sunset. It was a good day for sailing with about 8 knots of breeze until it died in the early evening.


I poured the last can of gas into the tank about an hour ago and we will soon head into Port Elgin for fuel and pump out, and maybe a little net access. I'm not sure if we will continue on from there, or call it a day after a measly 15 miles. There aren't a lot of stopping points between there and Tobermory, and I don't think I want to get there in the dark.


Peggy is sitting down below reading and writing. She got a little too much sun yesterday, or not quite enough sunscreen, and is feeling a little crispy. It's not surprising, since the weather said the UV index was 10 yesterday! I didn't know the scale went up that high.


Still having a lovely time! More later in the trip,




Rick / Dad